New Home
2015 HOBI Award(s) Winner:
Best Custom Home 5000-6000 SF and Best Specialty Room
LoParco built a custom home for me in 12 months! That is 12 months from the time we took out the first scoop of dirt for the basement to the time I slept in the home for the very first time. LoParco worked seamlessly with my architect, Granoff Architects, in Greenwich, CT. LoParco is also a master at maneuvering Town Hall for permits, CO’s, etc. The bills were clear and concise and each bill had all supplemental invoices attached for me to review. LoParco’s ability to value engineer areas of the home where I wanted to curtail costs was impressive. LoParco’s site manager for my project was meticulous. No stone was left unturned. No detail was forgotten.
– Debra M, Homeowner